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Delivery option

A delivery option is part of the configuration of a delivery profile. It holds important informations:

  • Destination: the country your order will be delivered to. You can pick Everywhere to handle all the countries in the world.
  • Shipping fees: You have two options for managing shipping fees:
    1. Fixed: shipping fee applicable to each item with the same delivery profile. You can provide a one item amount and an additional item amount.
      - One item fee is applied to the first item of the cart with the delivery profile.
      - Additional item fee is applied to each additional item with the same delivery profile.
    2. Dynamic: shipping fee applicable to each item with the same delivery profile and calculated based on the total weight of the items in the cart. You provide a grid of weight and fee pairs.

    If you want to establish a unique cumulative delivery price, simply enter the same amount for both "one item" and "additional item".

  • Delivery service (optional): the name of the delivery service you will be using to send out orders.
  • Optional services (optional): three services can be offered with the delivery: gift package, tracking and express delivery. Click here to learn more.


You sell flowers seed 🌸 and flower pots 🪴
You have a shop with thoses develivery profiles.

🌸 flower seeds

One item: 4€

Additional item: 1,50€

🪴 Flower pots


  • Small (200g)
  • Medium (500g)
Weight (g)Price (€)
250 (g)4,99 €
500 (g)6,99 €
750 (g)8,10 €
1000 (g)8,80 €

Each profile has custom delivery rates that will reflect the item's cost of shipping.

For flower seeds 🌸, you want to sell them with a fixed delivery price. Seeds are too light and small to be sent in a package. You provide a one item amount and an additional item amount based on your own shipping costs strategy.

For big and heavy flower pots 🪴, the price will be calculated based on the total weight of the items in the cart. Maybe because you want to group them in a package and send them with a carrier

We strongly advise providing an exhaustive list of all the weights and fees to guarantee all orders are possibles. Indeed, if a customer have a cart with a total weight that is not in the grid, the customer will not be able to checkout (as no price has been specified for that weight)

🛒 Example with a customer's cart

🪴 Flower pots (S) x 2

2 x (200g) = 400g

🪴 Flower pots (L) x 1

1 x (500g) = 500g

The total delivery fee for this order will be 8,80€ (For a total weight of 900g).

We calculate the total weight of the items in the cart and apply the price from the grid. In this case, the total weight is 900g. We need to find the first weight in the grid that is greater than the total weight. In this case, the first weight is 1000g. The price for 1000g is 8,80€. We apply this price to the cart.

🛒 Example with anoter customer's cart

🌸 flower seeds x 4

4€ (One item) x 1 and 1,50€ (Additional item) x 3

One item will have the shipping fee of "one item", the remaining items of the same delivery profile in the order will each have the shipping fee of "additional item"

🪴 Flower pots x 1

1 x (200g) = 200g

The total delivery fee for this order will be 13,49€

For the 🌸 flower seeds the price is calculated based on the number of items in the cart. In this case, we have 4 items of Flower seeds. The first item has a price of 4€ and the next 3 items have a price of 1,50€ each. 4€ + 3 x 1,50€ = 8,50€.

For the 🪴 flower pots the price is calculated based on the total weight. In this case, the total weight is 200g. The first weight in the grid greater than 200g is 250g. The price for 250g is 4,99€. We apply this price to the cart.

The total price for the cart is 8,50€ + 4,99€ = 13,49€.